Call for Proposals: Queer, Trans* and Feminist Village at the CCCamp

From August 13 to 17, 2015, the Chaos Communication Camp (CCC), an
international, five-day open-air event for hackers, makers and geeks
of all genders will take place in Ziegeleipark Mildenberg(2) near
Berlin, Germany. As the CCCamp (1) provides a space for sharing
technical, social, and political ideas every 4 year, this is an
opportunity not to miss. This year, a self-organised group of
dedicated people will organise in a Do It Yourself (DIY) and Do it
With Others (DIWO) fashion a queer, trans* and feminist village to
bring visibility to feminist, queer and trans* hacking approaches,
create a safe space(3) within the larger CCCamp, continue to build a
global community around those issues and inspire each other.

The queer, trans* and feminist village will be pluralistic, which
means it will include intersectional, feminist, trans*, genderqueer
and race-sensitive viewpoints, among others, that are committed to the
central principles of agency, fulfillment, empowerment, diversity, and
social justice. Moreover, a long tradition of free software and free
culture allow us to amplify hardware and software to hack:
bodies, gender, academia, maternity and child-rearing, operating
systems, distributed networks and other devices.We refer to the 
terms hacking, making and geeking with a full understanding of 
their histories and limitations.

Over the years a global community of feminist, queer and trans*
hackers, makers and geeks has grown in the global south and global
north and we hope to build on this momentum to invite submissions that
aim at bringing visibility to new and old feminist, queer, trans* and 
anti-colonial hacker/maker/geek practices, to the groups and 
collectives that are doing the work, to examples of resistance to 
and support of people subjected to online/offline sexism, violence 
and/or harassment and to any other issues that are of concern to the 
community. We seek contributions from feminist, queer, trans* and people 
of color in addition to allies(4) in any formats, be it hands-on 
workshops, discussions, presentations, artistic installations,  
performance, projections, concerts or whatever activity you think 
could add to the discussion.

To register your activity, you can either add it in a DIY way by using
our wiki at 
(you need to create an account to do so) and/or send your short 
submission to: Note that there 
are no deadlines for submitting your proposal(s), and spontaneous 
activities will be welcomed, but we do encourage you to share your 
plans in advance with us! This will help create enthusiasm around 
our village and its scheduled content.

We are also looking for people who want to help set up, support
(financially for instance), and simply be part of the village or take
part in the activities. If you want to be involved we suggest you
register to the list at:

It will be the first time at a CCCamp that a queer, trans* and
feminist village will be set up, so don't miss it!

(1) Visit the CCCamp wiki:

(2) The CCCamp is not a free event.  However, they are mindful that it
is not everyone who has the financial means to purchase a ticket. 
If this is your case, please let us know.

(3) Safe spaces can be understood as spaces of non-oppression,
non-hierarchy, and non-discrimination, whether explicit, through a
community agreement, or implicit through the sharing of values. They
enable members of a group to flourish, empower themselves and create
community. They are also about pushing boundaries to confront all
forms of sexism, racism and ablesim, among others, as these are values
we internalize in our societies growing up. Safe spaces are an
opportunity to learn more about ourselves and others and to confront this
internalised oppression.

(4)  An ally is someone who wants to support a "disadvantaged" group,
but is not part of that group (e.g. men are allies when it comes to
women's rights issues, white people are allies when it comes to people
of color and indigenous issues, etc.)