What is a Feminist Server?

A Feminist Server was born at the TransHackFeminist Convergence, which happened this summer in Calafou (Catalona). The raison d’etre for the creation of a feminist server is to start creating independent and autonomous feminist infrastructures to resist: the (digital) targeting of women, feminist, queer and transgendered individuals (in particular, but not exclusively as also targeted are people of color, migrants, refugees, etc.), the centralization of the internet and its transformation into a consumption sanctuary and a space of surveillance, control and tracking of dissent voices by government agencies, among others. All these factors and more have led to a situation where the internet is not a safe space and where it is common to see feminist and activist work being deleted, censored, and/or prevented from being seen, heard or read. Freedom of expression is part of the feminist/queer/trans struggle and a feminist server is one of the multiple ways to ensure that our right to speak up remains accessible online, offline and wherever and under any format of expression. There will be no feminist internet (see e.g. APC Feminist Principles of the Internet) without properly managed autonomous feminist servers.

During the First Feminist Server Summit held in Brussels in December 2013, there was an attempt to define what a feminist server is. The collective of people present came out with:

A Feminist server…..

– Is a situated technology.
– It is run for and by a community that cares enough for her/they to exist.
– It builds on the materiality of software, hardware and the bodies gathered around it.
– It opens herself/themselves to expose processes, tools, sources, habits, patterns.
– It knows that networking is actually an awkward, promiscuous and parasitic practice.
– It is autonomous in the sense that she/they decide for her/they own dependencies.
– It treats technology as part of a social reality, and finally
– It takes the risk of exposing her/they insecurity while trying hard not to apologies when she/they sometimes is/are not available.

Activist Algorithms

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our digital experience. Algorithms are mathematical formulas usually designed by engineers, computer scientists, programmers and hackers, among others. Some of the most “well-known” algorithms are designed and constantly improved by “data empires” (such as Google, Facebook, etc.) which keep them well guarded secrets since it is at the basis of their business model. As a case in point, Google has only released the first iteration of its algorithm known as page rank, and Facebook’s edge rank and face recognition algorithms are top secret.

Astrid Mager (2012) situates algorithms behind corporate search engines in the larger capitalist ideological framework. She argues that the New Spirit of Capitalism (Boltanski and Chiapello 2005) gets embedded into the design of search algorithms therefore aligning its socio, economic, legal and political values into the mathematical formula. The political philosophy behind corporate algorithms and other kinds of protocols seem to be unambiguously clear.

In the book Media Technologies (2014, 169), Tarleton Gillespie argues that in the past years algorithms can be characterized by “political valence” in the way in which they mitigate participation and create “calculated publics”. Users, however, are usually unaware of the power of algorithms in shaping what they see and what they are able to “find” through search engines on the Internet.

From this starting point and political stance behind the making of algorithms we can make the assumption that they are not neutral? Science and Technology Studies have long argued that technologies are not neutral (Feenberg 1999). If corporate algorithms follow a certain neo-liberal ideology, can we think of algorithms that aim at disrupting systems of oppression such as capitalism, racism and patriarchy? In other words, can we think about activist algorithms, and if so what would they looks like? Can activist algorithms foster collaboration, anti/post capitalism, anti-racist and/or feminist positions and inflections? Do we have examples of these? And where do they stand on freedom of expression and on challenging individualism? Who are the communities behind these activist algorithms and what are their main “goals” and vision?

In my quest to better understand activist algorithms, I would like to ask the following questions:


1. What is an activist algorithm for you ? And which algorithms can be best described as an activist one ?
a. What kind of community or environment it takes to create activist algorithms ?
b. To which extent an activist algorithm is linked to the creation of activist data bases, data centers, among others ?
c. To which extent an activist algorithm is about gradually banning corporate servers from their connections ?

Do share your thoughts about algorithms!

The Queerness of a Feminist Server: Building Resistance Communication Technologies

The Queerness of a Feminist Server: Building Resistance Communication Technologies

According to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary a server is defined as “a computer in a network that is used to provide services (as access to files or shared peripherals or the routing of e-mail) to other computers in the network”. This technical and somewhat neutral definition tend to obscure the possibilities for understanding the political aspect behind the setting up and management of a server. Can a server, a node within a decentralised network, have a feminist queer posture? This was the question a group of feminist, queer and trans hackers asked themselves at the First Feminist Server Summit held in Brussels in December 2013 and at the TransHackFeminist convergence in August 2014.

In this upcoming article, I will investigate the reasons behind the importance of setting up a feminist server. The constellation of factors include: the increased interest by feminist, queer and trans hackers for a politically-oriented queer and feminist server, the desire to have a clear queer feminist posture to communication technologies including having control and autonomy over its structures and infrastructures, the necessity to respond to the relationship between online and offline violence towards LGBTQI (Cárdenas 2013) and, the censorship towards some of the practices and ideas embraced.

I will then attempt to decipher and analyse the meaning(s) of a feminist server that has been put forward by feminist, queer and trans hackers. This will be in an effort to locate their practices in queer (Butler 1990, 2004; Ferguson 2003; Muñoz 2009), feminist (Haraway 1988; Harding 1986, 2004) and technological frameworks (Coleman 2008, 2012; Kelty 2008; Winner 1988). In their words, a feminist server is a situated technology. It is run for and by a community that cares enough for her/they to exist. It builds on the materiality of software, hardware and the bodies gathered around it. It opens herself/themselves to expose processes, tools, sources, habits, patterns. It knows that networking is actually an awkward, promiscuous and parasitic practice. It is autonomous in the sense that she/they decide for her/they own dependencies. It treats technology as part of a social reality and finally, it takes the risk of exposing her/they insecurity while trying hard not to apologise when she/they sometimes is/are not available.

The article will aim at demonstrating that the queering of a feminist server is a political act, which rests on non-essentialist and non-universal principles. The queering of a feminist server, I will argue, is about hacking heteronormativity, patriarchy and capitalism while reclaiming independence and building autonomous infrastructures. It is also based on the breaking of boundaries between the theoretical production and the practice (Brown and Nash 2010) and it is aimed at opening up new imaginaries for understanding communication technologies and our relations to them. As one of the participants involved in this project both at the conceptual and technical level, I will follow and embody throughout this article a queer methodology (Brown and Nash 2010) and build on what Chiara Brambilla (2012) calls relational space between theory and activism.

Keywords: Hacker culture; Feminist server; Queer methodology; Communications technologies


Brambilla, C 2012, Constructing a Relational Space between ‘Theory’ and ‘Activism’,or (Re)thinking Borders. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 2012, 11(2): 215-221

Butler, J 2004 , Undoing Gender. Routledge, New York.

Butler, J 1990 , Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge, New York.

Coleman, G 2012 , Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Coleman, G 2010 , ‘Hacking In-Person: The Ritual Character of Conferences and the Distillation of a Life-World’. Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 47–72.
Coleman, G & Golub, A 2008 , ‘Hacker practice: moral genres and the cultural articulation of liberalism’. Anthropological Theory, vol. 8, pp. 255–277.
Mute Magazine, 2013. http://www.metamute.org/editorial/lab/free-software-movement-to-freesafety-movement.

Ferguson, R 2003 , Aberrations in Black: Toward a Queer of Color Critique. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Haraway, D 1988 , ‘Situated Knoweldges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective’ in Feminist Theory Reader: Local and Global Perspectives, 2nd edn, eds C McCann, & S Kim, Routledge, New York, pp.370-383.

Harding, S (ed.) 2004 , The feminist standpoint theory reader : intellectual and political controversies. Routledge, New York.

Harding, S 1986 , The Science Question in Feminism, Cornell. University Press, Ithaca.

Kelty, C 2008 , Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software. Duke University Press, Durham.
Muñoz, JE 2009 , Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity. New York University Press, New York.

Winner, Langdon. The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Trans Hack Feminist (THF!) Report is out!

The TransHackFeminist (THF!) Convergence report is a summary of activities that were
held in Calafou (Catalogna) in August 2014. The content presented and produced during the THF! 2014 and illustrated in the below report broadly fits into three main themes that we describe in the report: Embodied Theories, Performative Tactics and
Liberating Technologies.

The THF! documentation is also available on a wiki that has been installed on the Feminist Server created at the first THF! To read the documentation online visit: Anarcha (Feminist) Server at anarchaserver.org/mediawiki/index.php/Documentation_about_the_THF_2014.

Read the THF! Report (English) in Pdf and in low resolution


English follows

Le Collectif FemHack vous invite à FemCrypt!  – Un atelier sur le cryptage des courriels
8 fevrier, 1214, de la montagne

L’objectif de cet atelier est de vous introduire aux concepts de chiffrement et du cryptage des communications électroniques (encryption, en anglais) et de vous initier à la pratique de cryptage des courriels selon une pédagogie féministe et dans un environnement anti-oppressif et politisé. Le recours aux communications cryptées devient de plus en plus pressant, en particulier à la suite des révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant la surveillance massive sur Internet. D’ailleurs les premières tentatives de contact entre Edward Snowden et le journaliste Glenn Greenwald ont échoué, car M. Greenwald ne savait pas crypter ses communications, particulièrement ses courriels. Du coup, c’est à Laura Poitras que Snowden a confié les documents fuités, car celle-ci utilisait le chiffrement. Le chiffrement devient donc un outil incontournable pour toutes personnes (hackers, activistes, chercheurs, journalistes, etc.) désirant protéger ses données et est par conséquent un outil que tous et toutes doivent connaître. 


L’atelier sur le chiffrement se fera en deux temps. Tout d’abord, une partie plus théorique abordera la notion de cryptage et son importance grandissante en particulier dans le contexte des révélations d’Edward Snowden sur la surveillance de masse sur Internet. Dans un deuxième temps, une partie pratique vous guidera dans l’installation de logiciels libres vous permettant de crypter vos courriels.

Objectifs spécifiques
À la fin de cet atelier:
–        Vous aurez une meilleure idée du bien-fondé de l’utilisation du chiffrement;
–        Vous devriez être en mesure de chiffrer vos courriels;
–        Vous aurez développé une curiosité pour la sécurité numérique.

À faire avant la formation

Vous devez vous créer un nouveau compte de courriel. Les services proposés par les grands monopoles étasuniens, tels Hotmail, Yahoo ou Gmail sont peu sécuritaires et font l’objet de surveillance systématique de la part des agences gouvernementales. En tant qu’activiste s’inscrivant dans une démarche féministe, queer, anti-oppressive et anti-capitaliste une ré-approriation technologique non-corporative est essentiel. Nous vous demandons donc d’utiliser un autre service que ceux-ci tels que Riseup.net, Resist.ca, autistici.org, Poivron.org, aktivix.org ou autres. Pour une liste complète visitez : https://help.riseup.net/ca/security/resources/radical-servers N’oubliez pas que ces services sécurisés qui ne vendent/donnent pas vos données à des tiers parties sont produites par des bénévoles. Les dons sont les bienvenus!

Où : La Passe, 1214 La Montagne
Quand : Dimanche 8 février, 13:00-16h00.
Langue : bilingue
Matériel à apporter: ordinateur portable
Pour vous inscrire à l’atelier envoyer un email à femhack@lists.riseup.net et indiquez nous :
– Votre type de système d’exploitation : Mac OS, Windows, Linux – Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, etc. ?


Femhack invites you to FemCrypt! – A workshop on How to Encrypt your Emails
Feb 8, La Passe, 1214 de la montagne

The objective of this workshop is to introduce you to the concepts of encryption more generally and to email encryption practices more specifically. The workshop will follow a feminist pedagogy and expect everyone to create an anti-oppressive and politicized space.The use of encrypted communications is becoming increasingly pressing, especially in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations on mass surveillance on the Internet. Besides, the first communication attempts between Edward Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald failed, because Mr. Greenwald did not know how to encrypt his communications, especially his emails. Snowden turned instead to the video documentarist Laura Poitras who new how to use encryption. Encryption has become an essential tool for everyone (hackers, activists, researchers, journalists, etc.) who wish to protect their data and is therefore a tool that everyone should know.

The plan for the encryption workshop will be two-fold. First, a theoretical part will address the concept of encryption and its growing importance in particular in the context of the revelations of Edward Snowden on mass surveillance on the Internet. Secondly, a practical part will guide you through the installation of free software that allows you to encrypt your emails.

Specific objectives
At the end of this workshop:

– You will have a better idea of the merits of the use of encryption;
– You should be able to encrypt your emails;
– You will have developed a curiosity for digital security.

Things to do before training
You must create a new email account. The services offered by the big Americans monopolies such as Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail are unsafe and are the subject of systematic monitoring by government agencies. As activists who follow a feminist, queer, anti-oppressive and anti-capitalist stance, it is essential to think about (re)appropriating non-corporate technological tools. We ask you to use a service other than the big corporate ones such as Riseup.net, Resist.ca, autistici.org, Poivron.org, aktivix.org. For a complete list visit: https://help.riseup.net/ca/security/resources/radical-servers

Feminist free software mutual help workshop

English below

Le FemHack offre un atelier feministe d’entraide en logiciel libre ce

FemHack offers a feminist free software mutual help workshop this
week-end (english below)

*Dimanche 25 janvier – 13:00-16h00 : Atelier d’entraide en informatique
libre, **@ Lapasse, ** 1214 rue de la Montagne*

Confirmez votre participation : femhack@lists.riseup.net

L’informatique libre favorise l’autonomie, la transparence, l’apprentissage
collectif et la convivialité quand à nos technologies d’information et de
communication. C’est un besoin politique pressant dans le contexte actuel
associant l’informatique à la propriété privée, à l’obscurantisme et à la
surveillance. Si de nombreux logiciels et tutoriels sont disponibles en
ligne, nous avons besoin de rencontres en personne et d’espaces
collégiales, pour découvrir, s’entraider et prendre confiance. Les ateliers
du libre sont ouverts à toutes et tous les curieux.e.s, les inquiet.e.s,
les passionné.e.s, les embété.e.s et les timides qui ne savent pas trop par
où commencer, celles et ceux qui ont à cœur l’apprentissage et le partage
de techniques et de savoir faire, dans une perspective féministe
d’autonomisation collective.

*Descriptif*Les participant.e.s viennent avec leurs ordinateurs, leurs
outils mobiles, leurs questions et leurs intérêts. On y apprend, par
petites touches, ce qu’est l’informatique libre, sa philosophie, les
ressources existantes. On y pose nos questions, on y expose nos problèmes,
on en découvre de nouveaux, on cherche des solutions, on y installe des
logiciels, on ajuste nos outils à nos besoins, on répare ce qui est brisé,
on y jase, on découvre qui peut nous aider, on y socialise donc aussi.

Le FemHack prendra soin de l’atmosphère et de la convivialité de cet espace
d’apprentissage et de découverte. Nous privilégions la participation des
femmes, des personnes queers, des personnes de couleurs et de différentes
générations. Nous veillerions à la sensibilité des échanges interpersonnels
et collectif dans un souci d’apprentissage mutuel vers une autonomie
collective. Aucune connaissance de base n’est requise. L’atelier sera aussi
l’occasion de définir des activités thématiques futures pour des besoins

*Sunday January 25th 1pm-4pm : free software mutual help workshop @
Lapasse, ** 1214 rue de la Montagne*

Confirm to : femhack@lists.riseup.net


Free software promotes independence, transparency, Do-it-Together and
conviviality for our information and communication technologies. This is an
increasing political need in today’s context, where IT is associated to
private property, obscurantism and surveillance. While many free software
and tutorials are available online, we need to have meetings and collegial
spaces to discover , support each other and gain confidence. Those free
software mutual help workshops are open to all, may you be curious,
passionate, shy, not knowing where to begin, or having at heart the sharing
of techniques and know-how, from a feminist perspective of collective


The participants come with their computers, mobile tools, their questions
and interests. We learn , bit by bit, what is free software, its philosophy
and the existing ressources. We asks questions, we expose our problems, we
discover new ones, solutions are sought. We install free software, we
adjust our tools to our needs, we fix what is broken, we chat, we discover
what and who can help us, we socialize.

FemHack will take care of creating a safe and responsive atmosphere for
learning and discovery. We favor the participation of women, queer, people
of color and of different generations. We will ensure the sensitivity of
interpersonal and collective exchanges, in a concern for mutual learning
and collective autonomy. No basic knowledge is required. The workshop will
also be an opportunity to define future thematic activities, as we may
feel. FemHack will take care of creating a safe and responsive atmosphere
for learning and discovery. We favor the participation of women, queer,
people of color and of different generations. We will ensure the
sensitivity of interpersonal and collective exchanges, in a concern for
mutual learning and collective autonomy. No basic knowledge is required.
The workshop will also be an opportunity to define future thematic
activities, as we may feel.

Feminist Hackerspaces: The Synthesis of Feminist and Hacker Cultures

This article was publish in the Jounal of Peer Production in October 2014. The following is an excerpt for the publised text. To read the full article visit: http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-5-shared-machine-shops/peer-reviewed-articles/feminist-hackerspaces-the-synthesis-of-feminist-and-hacker-cultures/

By Sophie Toupin


Between 2013 and 2014 three new hackerspaces popped up in rapid succession along the west coast of the USA. These spaces were significant; they offered, for the first time, a clear vision of how intersectionally-inflected feminist principles might inform a new breed of hackerspaces. New models of hackerspaces seemed capable of narrowing the gap between hacker and feminist cultures.

Feminist hacker, maker and geek initiatives have existed, in the USA and elsewhere, under different shapes and forms — both physical and virtual — for more than a decade. North American feminist geeks connect virtually via Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Twitter or the Geek Feminism wiki and blog, meet face-to-face at conferences (such as WisCon — a feminist sci-fi convention — Ada Camps, and others) and participate in groups such as LinuxChix, Lady Py and Girl Geek Dinners. But until recently, more permanent hackerspaces attuned to feminist principles have been largely nonexistent.

Hackerspaces have spread rapidly across North America throughout the past five years. They have been influenced by the dominant German model, based on a particular understanding of openness: anyone interested in hacking and technology is welcome to attend open nights and, ultimately, become a member. Despite the ideal of openness at the heart of this model, groups such as women, queers, people of color, etc. have remained either largely underrepresented or completely absent from these spaces. In order to attempt to correct this lack of diversity, a number of hackerspaces have crafted or proposed remedial strategies, such as women-only hack nights and the adoption of codes of conduct, among others. Some of these strategies, such as the women-only hack night, have been met with controversy; It is and often deemed to go against the sacrosanct principle of openness.

As a new phenomenon, very little scholarly work has appeared on the subject of feminist hackerspaces to date. However, criticisms of mainstream hackerspaces have appeared recently in personal and non-scholarly venues, written primarily by feminist hackers, makers and geeks. These written tracts have been buttressed by numerous informal and verbal discussions on the subject — and as a result there has appeared a marked desire to rethink the core concept of openness from the perspective of feminist hackers, makers and geeks (see Henry 2014; Toupin 2013). [i] Critics have highlighted the need for spaces to enable feelings of safety rather than simply openness. They also point to issues of privilege commonly obscured by open and meritocratic cultures (or what Nafus (2012) calls “pushyocratic” cultures). These tensions within hackerspaces and the hacker community (see Spinks 2013; Wolf 2012) have led some feminist hackers, makers and geeks to desire spaces of their own, framed by their own boundaries.

The following women-centered/feminist and/or people of color-led hackerspaces have emerged in the past years: Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory in Vienna (feminist space created in 2008-2009), Liberating Ourselves Locally in Oakland (people of color space created in 2012), Mothership Hackermoms in Berkley (women-centered space created in 2012), Seattle Attic in Seattle (intersectional feminist space created in 2013), Flux in Portland (intersectional feminist space created in 2013), Double Union in San Francisco (intersectional feminist space created in 2013) and Hacker Gals in Michigan (women-centered space created in 2014).

In this article, I apply feminist standpoint theory in order to better understand the ideologies at work in feminist hackerspaces and the communities, which surround them. Practically, this means analyzing the unique experiences and positions of the women, genderqueer and trans individuals who comprise the membership of these hackerspaces. As most of these recently created spaces adopt principles of intersectional feminism, I will at times adopt the framework in my own analysis. Intersectional feminism is a framework that looks at the world through plural perspectives highlighting the relationship and intersection between gender, sexual orientation, geographical location, ethnicity, class, among others. At a practical level, intersectional feminist hackerspaces aim at being inclusive in creating safer space while also recognizing privileges that certain individuals have in society and which play out in hackerspaces. Also, I will argue that feminist hackerspaces’ contribution is towards a different understanding of the concept of openness based on feminist principles. Feminists debunk the myth of openness and meritocracy associated with hackerspaces culture, question the use and/or the narrowness of the term hacker and hacking in addition to foregrounding a new understanding of openness which is at the intersection of feminist and hacker culture. My focus is less on the subject of feminism, and its tensions, but rather on the ways in which feminist hackerspaces are redefining and reconfiguring the meaning of openness, which is what unites them. This helps not get bogged down by irreconcilable tensions, but nonetheless does not shy away from outlining them. Moreover, I will argue that feminist hackerspaces function as the spatial manifestation of a feminist hacker, maker and geek culture. The emergence of feminist hackerspaces furthers the visibility of feminist hackers, makers and geeks and seemingly helps cement a different social imaginary of feminist hacking practices. Their shared vision enables them to maintain a certain form of association, or what Kelty (2008) calls a recursive public, while not necessitating the establishment of identical boundaries in their respective spaces. The different feminist practices that are embodied in the newly created feminist spaces of hacking help move scholarship away from discussions of female hackers (Adam 2003; Jordan & Taylor 2004; Taylor 2003) and their absence, and towards discussions of a vital community of feminist hackers, makers and geeks. It will become clear that this community has firmly consolidated its existence through the establishment of feminist hackerspaces.

To continue reading visit: http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-5-shared-machine-shops/peer-reviewed-articles/feminist-hackerspaces-the-synthesis-of-feminist-and-hacker-cultures/

Call for Papers: Feminism and (Un)Hacking

Feminism and (Un)Hacking

Editors: Shaowen Bardzell, Lilly Nguyen, Sophie Toupin

There has been a recent growth in interest in feminist approaches to practices like hacking, tinkering, geeking and making. What started off as an interest in furthering representations of women in the technical fields of computer science and engineering, often along the lines of liberal feminism, has now grown into social, cultural, and political analyses of gendered modes of social reproduction, expertise, and work, among others. Practices of hacking, tinkering, geeking, and making have been criticized for their overtly masculinist approaches, often anchored in the Euro-American techno-centers of Silicon Valley and Cambridge that have created a culture of entrepreneurial heroism and a certain understanding of technopolitical liberation, or around the German Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

With this special issue of the Journal of Peer Production, we hope to delve more deeply into these critiques to imagine new forms of feminist technical praxis that redefine these practices and/or open up new ones. How can we problematize hacking, tinkering, geeking and making through feminist theories and epistemologies? How do these practices, in fact, change when we begin to consider them through a feminist prism? Can we envision new horizons of practice and possibility through a feminist critique?

In this call, we understand feminist perspectives to be pluralistic, including intersectional, trans, genderqueer, and race-sensitive viewpoints that are committed to the central principles of feminism–agency, fulfillment, empowerment, diversity, and social justice. We refer to the term hacking with a full understanding of its histories and limitations. That said, we use it provisionally to provoke, stimulate, and reimagine new possibilities for technical feminist practice. Hacking, as a form of subjectivity and a mode of techno-political engagement, has recently emerged as a site of intense debate, being equally lauded as a political ethos of freedom and slandered as an elitist form of expertise. These fervid economic and political ideals have been challenged and at times come under attack because they not only displace women and genderqueer within these technological communities but, more importantly, because they displace gendered forms of reflection and engagement.

Drawing on a growing community of feminist scholarship and practices, we hope to build on this momentum to invite submissions that reconceptualize the relationship between feminism and hacking. We aim to highlight feminist hackers, makers and geeks not only as new communities of experts, but as new modes of engagement and novel theoretical developments. In turn, with this special issue, we hope to challenge both concepts of feminism and hacking to ask several questions. How can feminist approaches to hacking open up new possibilities for technopolitics? Historically, hacking discourses center on political and labor aesthetics of creation, disruption, and transgression. How can feminist theories of political economy push technopolitical imaginaries towards alternate ideals of reproduction, care, and maintenance? Conversely, we also ask how notions of hacking can open up new possibilities for feminist epistemologies and modes of engagement?

We seek scholarly articles and commentaries that address any of the following themes and beyond. We are also interested in portraits, understood broadly, of feminist hackers, makers and geeks that help us better understand feminist hacker, maker and geek culture. We also solicit experimental formats such as photo essays or other media that address the special issue themes.

· What is distinctive about feminist hacking or hackers? How does feminist hacking practices help create a distinct feminist hacking culture?
· Why are feminist hacking practices emerging? Which constellation of factors help the emergence of such practices?
· What do we know about the feminist hacker spectrum? i.e. what are the differences among feminist hacking practices and how can we make sense of these distinctions?
· What tensions in hacking and/or in hacker practices and culture(s) come to the fore when feminist, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-capitalist and/or anti-oppression perspectives are taken?
· What does feminist hacker ethic(s) entail?
· What kind of social imaginaries are emerging with feminist hacking and hackers?
· What kinds of hacking are taking place beyond the Euro-American tradition?

Submission abstracts of 300-500 words due by September 8, 2014, and should be sent to femhack@peerproduction.net.

All peer reviewed papers will be reviewed according to Journal of Peer Production guidelines.

Full papers and materials (peer reviewed​ papers around 8,000 words; testimonies, self-portraits and experimental formats up to 4,000 words) are due by January 31st, 2015 for review.

For more info visit: http://peerproduction.net/feminism-and-unhacking/

THF! Convergence

The TransH@ckFeminist (THF!) convergence, organised in collaboration with Calafou/etc (eclectic tech carnival) will be held from August 4-11 in Calafou (Spain). THF! is a gathering of intersectional feminists, queer and trans people of all genders interested in better understanding, using and ultimately developing free and liberating technologies for social dissent, as an alternative to the corporatisation of technologies and the digital world. We understand technologies in their broadest sense including computer systems, (distributed) networks, “pirate”, community and/or independent radio/ tv, guerilla knitting and gardening, looming, hardware hacking as well as gender hacking.

For more info visit: www.transhackfeminist.org